The 2002 Taipei International Statistical Symposium
and Bernoulli Society  EAPR Conference

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Conference Info.
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2002 Taipei Symposium
c/o Institute of 
Statistical Science,
Academia Sinica,
Taipei 11529,
Taiwan, R.O.C.





Yasuo Amemiya,,
(IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, U.S.A.; Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, U.S.A.)

"Likelihood and pseudo-likelihood approach for nonlinear
errors-in-variables modeling"

July 10 (Wednesday), 9:20 -- 9:50 a.m., AC Conference RM2 

N. Balakrishnan,
(Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Canada)

"Advances on Distributions of Runs and Scans with Applications"

July 8 (Monday), 2:00 -- 2:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Sujit K. Basu,
(Visva-Bharati University, West Bengal, India)
"The Class of Life Distributions that are Laplace-Order Dominated by Exponentials"

July 8 (Monday), 1:00 -- 1:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4

R. J. Bhansali,
(Division of Statistics & OR, University of Liverpool, U.K.)
"Prediction of Long-Memory Time Series: An Overview"

(joint work with P. S. Kokoszka )

July 10 (Wednesday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM

Jianwen Cai,
(Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.A.)

"Statistical Methods for Multiple-Type Recurrent Event Data"

(joint work with D. E. Schaubel)

July 9 (Tuesday), 2:40 -- 3:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Charles Cao,

(Department of Finance, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.)

"Risk-Neutral Kurtosis, Jumps, and Option Pricing:
Evidence from 100 Most Actively Traded Firms on the CBOE"
(joint work with Gurdip Bakshi)

July 8 (Monday), 2:00 -- 2:30 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Feng-Shun Chai,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Row-column L-designs for symmetric parallel line assays"

July 9 (Tuesday), 5:00 -- 5:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3

Lai Kow Chan,
(Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, H.K.)
"The Role of an Academic Statistician in the Changing World"

July 10 (Wednesday), 2:10 -- 2:40 p.m., AC Conference RM4

Ngai-Hang Chan,
(Department of Statistics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, H.K.)
"Structural Models for Credit Risk Migration"

July 10 (Wednesday), 1:10 -- 1:40 p.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM


I-Shou  Chang,

(Department of Research Resources, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"A Unified Multipoint Linkage Analysis of Qualitative  and Quantitative Traits for Sib-Pairs"

 (joint work with M.-Y. Chen, C.-F. Hsiao and C. A. Hsiung)

July 10 (Wednesday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Cheng-Yu Chen,
(Department of Radiology, National Defense Medical Center,
Tri-Service General Hospital, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"Advanced neuroimagings at 1.5 T: experiences in TSGH"

July 9 (Tuesday), 10:40 -- 11:10 a.m., AC Conference RM4


James J. Chen,
(Division of Biometry and Risk Assessment,
 National Center for Toxicological Research, FDA, U.S.A.)
"Analyses of Gene Expression Data from Several cDNA Microarray Samples" (joint work with Y.-J. Chen and C.-A. Tsai)

July 8 (Monday), 1:00 -- 1:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3

Jian-Chuan Chen,
(Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Temporal Characteristics of the Hemodynamic Responses Measured by Functional MRI" (joint work with H.-L. Liu, Y.-Y. Wai and Y.-L. Wan)
July 9 (Tuesday), 11:40 a.m. -- 12:10 p.m., AC Conference RM4

Li-Shya Chen,
(Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Using Latent Transition Model to Study Distress Problems in Adolescents"

(joint work with Y. S. Hsieh, S.-C. Su and J. Chiang)

July 10 (Wednesday), 1:40 -- 2:10 p.m., AC Conference RM4
Mei-Hui Chen,
(Graduate School of National Defense Financial Resource,
National Defense University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Fuzzy Sampling Survey and Statistical Analysis for Human Thought"(joint work with B. Lin)

July 10 (Wednesday), 1:50 -- 2:10 p.m., AC Conference RM3


Shu-Chuan Chen,
(Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.)
"Clustering Biological Sequences Using Mixture Trees"
(joint work with B.G. Lindsay)
July 8 (Monday), 3:30 -- 3:50 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Y. B. Chen,
(Department of Electrical Engineering,
Chien Kuo Institute of Technology, Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Semi-Automatic Object Contour Segmentation Using Direction
 Prediction" (joint work with T.-C. Chen)
July 9 (Tuesday), 5:00 -- 5:20 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Yi-Hau Chen,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"A pseudo-score estimator for regression problems with two phase sampling" (joint work with N. Chatterjee and N. Breslow)

July 10 (Wednesday), 8:50 -- 9:20 a.m., AC Conference RM1

(* Schedule updated)


Ching-Shui Cheng,
(Dept. of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.)
"Construction of optimal supersaturated designs"

(joint work with D. A. Bulutoglu)

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:10 -- 1:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Kuang-Fu Cheng,
(Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Testing goodness-of-fit of a logistic regression model with case-control data"

July 8 (Monday), 2:00 -- 2:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Ming-Yen Cheng,
(Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Reducing variance in nonparametric estimation of curves and surfaces"

July 10 (Wednesday), 1:40 -- 2:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


Philip E. Cheng,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"Brain Image Segmentation via EM Approach"
 (joint work with J.-D. Lee and M. Liou)

July 9 (Tuesday), 2:40 -- 3:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Shao-Wei Cheng,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Optimal blocking schemes in 2-level orthogonal arrays"

July 8 (Monday), 5:00 -- 5:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Tsung-Lin Cheng,
(Department of Mathematics, National Chang-Hua University of
Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Functional Central Limit Theorems for the Empirical Process
 of Non-causal Linear Processes with Short Memory"
 (joint work with H.-C. Ho)
July 10 (Wednesday), 8:50 -- 9:10 a.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Yunchan Chi,
(Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University,
Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"A Modified Likelihood Relative Risk Estimator"
 (joint work with W.-S. Chu)
July 10 (Wednesday), 11:20 -- 11:40 a.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Chin-Tsang Chiang,
(Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Smoothing estimation of rate function for recurrent event data"

July 10 (Wednesday), 5:00 -- 5:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2 


Jeng-Min Chiou,
(Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics,
 National Health Research Institute, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"A Semiparametric Marginal Approach to Inferences in Generalized Linear Mixed Models" (joint work with H.-G. Mueller)

July 10 (Wednesday), 10:40 -- 11:10 a.m.,  AC Conference RM2


Shean-Tsong Chiu,
(Department of Statistics, Colorado State University, U.S.A.)
"Automatic Adaptive Region and Band with Kernel Density Estimation"

July 10 (Wednesday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


Chih-Kang Chu,
(Institute of Applied Mathematics, National Donghwa University,
Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"An Interpolation Methods for Adapting to Sparse Design in Multivariate Nonparametric Regression" (joint work with W.-S. Deng)

July 9 (Tuesday), 2:10 -- 2:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Cheng-Hung Chuang,
(Department of Electrinical Engineering,
National Chung Cheng Univ., Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Efficient Content-Based CT Brain Image Retrieval by Using
 Features of Lateral Ventricle"
(joint work with W.-N. Lie and W.-H. Peng) 
July 9 (Tuesday), 4:40 -- 5:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Ching-Fan Chung,
(Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"The Autoregressive Logit Regime Switching Model and Its Applications to Financial Data" (joint work with C.-K. Hsieh)

July 8 (Monday), 5:00 -- 5:30 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Po-Huang Chyou,
(Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core, Marshfield Medical Research Foundation, U.S.A.)
"A Simple Technique of Hypothesis Testing for a Matched Case-Control Study"

July 10 (Wednesday), 9:10 -- 9:30 a.m.,  AC Conference RM4

(* Schedule updated)


Murray Clayton,
(Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A.)
"Challenges in Detecting Spatial Clustering of Disease"

(joint work with R. E. Gangnon)

July 10 (Wednesday), 1:10 -- 1:40 p.m., AC Conference RM4


Rama Cont,
(Department of Operations Research & Financial Engineering,
 Princeton University, U.S.A.)

(Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique, France)

"Inverse problems for Lévy processes and nonparametric calibration of jump-diffusion option pricing models" (joint work with P. Tankov)

July 8 (Monday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM  
Luc Devroye,
(School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)

"On Robin Hood and Multiple Choice Hashing"

July 8 (Monday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4 


Aloke Dey,
(Indian Statistical Institute, India)
"Optimal fractional factorial plans for main effects and specified two-factor interactions"

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:40 -- 2:10 PM,  AC Conference RM3 

Michael Drmota,
(Institut fur Geometrie, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria)
"The height of random binary search trees and related questions"

July 8 (Monday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Jianqing Fan,
(Department of Statistics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, H.K.)
"Semiparametric Estimation of Value-at-Risk"

July 10 (Wednesday), 11:40 a.m. -- 12:10 p.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM

Shen-Jang Fann,
(Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Issues in Quality Filtering Methods for Microarray Data"
July 10 (Wednesday), 2:40 -- 3:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Kai-Tai Fang,
(Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University, H.K.)
"Experimental Design When the Underlying Model is Unknown"

July 10 (Wednesday), 8:50 -- 9:20 a.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Cheng-Der Fuh,

(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica,Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"A Stochastic Intensity Model for Option Pricing" (joint work with S.G. Kou and H. Wang)

July 8 (Monday), 1:00 -- 1:30 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


René Garcia,
(Département de sciences économiques, Université de Montréal, Canada)

"Estimation of Objective and Risk-Neutral Distributions based on Moments of Integrated Volatility"

July 8 (Monday), 1:30 -- 2:00 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Steven Gilmour,
(School of Mathematical Sciences, University of London, U.K.)
"Fractional Polynomial Response Surfaces"

(joint work with L. Trinca)

July 10 (Wednesday), 9:20 -- 9:50 a.m.,  AC Conference RM3

Fanji Gu,
(Department of Physiology & Biophysics, Fudan Univ., P.R. China)
"Complexity Analysis of EEG Signals"
July 9 (Tuesday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Martin Hillebrand,
(Department of Mathematics, University of Oldenburg, Germany)
"Nonparametric Regression in Image Analysis:
 On Robust Corner-Preserving M-Smoothing"
July 10 (Wednesday), 4:50 -- 5:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Zahirul Hoque,
(Department of Mathematics and Computing, University of Southern
Queensland, Australia)
"Admissibility of the Estimators of the Mean Vector of Multivariate Normal Distribution under Entropy and Squared Error Loss Functions" (joint work with S. Khan)

July 10 (Wednesday), 9:10 -- 9:30 a.m., AC Conference RM4


Fushing Hsieh,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Optimal Designs and Analysis for Insect Cognitive Process with Video Recorded Longitudinal Data"

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:10 -- 1:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Ping-Hung Hsieh,
(College of Business, Oregon State University, U.S.A.)
"Forcasting Next Record Catastrophic Property Losses Using Extreme Value Theory"

July 10 (Wednesday), 1:40 -- 2:10 p.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Hueymiin Hsueh,
(Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Estimating the Number of True Null Hypotheses in Multiple Comparison Problems"

July 8 (Monday), 1:30 -- 2:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Jian Huang,

(Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Iowa, U.S.A.)

"A Semiparametric Model for Normalization and Analysis of Microarray Data"

July 10 (Wednesday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1 


Mong-Na Lo Huang,
(Dept. of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Optimal designs for multivariate regression models"

July 9 (Tuesday), 2:10 -- 2:40 p.m., AC Conference RM3


Shu-Pang Huang,
(BMD Clinical Discovery, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, U.S.A.)

"Robust Methods for Estimating Number of Alleles and Their Frequencies"

July 9 (Tuesday), 5:00 -- 5:30 p.m., AC Conference RM1


Longcheen Huwang,
(Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University,
Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"An EWMA Control Chart for Monitoring Multivariate Process
 Variability for Individual Observations"
 (joint work with A.B. Yeh and C.-Y. Wu)
July 10 (Wednesday), 11:40 a.m. -- 12:00 noon,  AC Conference RM3

Shuen-Lin Jeng,
(Department of Statistics, Tunghai University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Sample Size Problems of the Optimum Plan for Accelerated
 Life Test under Inverse Gaussian Distribution"
July 10 (Wednesday), 10:40 -- 11:00 a.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Tzyy-Ping Jung,
(Institute of Neural Computation, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A.)

"Blind Source Separation: An Exploratory Tool for Analyzing Brain Imaging Data"

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:10 -- 1:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Chen-Hung Kao,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Efficiency of Separating Closely Linked Genes Affecting Quantitative Traits"

July 10 (Wednesday), 2:10 -- 2:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1

(* Schedule updated)


S. Konishi,

(Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University, Japan)
"Nonlinear Statistical Modeling and Model Selection"

July 9 (Tuesday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2

Hsun-Chih Kuo,
(Department of Biostatistics, University of Iowa, U.S.A.)
"Nonparametric Estimation of Survival Functions under Order
 Constraints" (joint work with R.L. Dykstra)
July 10 (Wednesday), 11:00 -- 11:20 a.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Shigeo Kusuoka,
(Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan)

"A limit theorem for a certain stochastic mechanical process"

July 9 (Tuesday), 10:10 -- 10:40 a.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Tze Leung Lai,
(Department of Statistics, Stanford University, U.S.A.)

"A new approach to pricing and hedging options with transaction costs" (joint work with Tiong-Wee Lim)

July 8 (Monday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Jack C. Lee,
(Institute of Statistics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Estimation and Prediction of Generalized Growth Curve with Grouping Variance in AR(q) Dependence Structure"
(joint paper with Y.L. Hsu)

July 9 (Tuesday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2

Jung Jin Lee,
(Department of Statistics, Songsil University, Seoul, Korea)
"Classification of Binary Data by Using Entropy Distribution" (joint work with P. B. Kantor)

July 9 (Tuesday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM

Mei-Ling Ting Lee,
(Department of Medicine and Biostatistics, Harvard University, U.S.A.)
"A statistical model for investigating binding probabilities of DNA Nucleotide sequences using microarrays"

(joint work with M. Bulyk)

July 9 (Tuesday), 10:40 -- 11:10 a.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Shen-Ming Lee,
(Department of Statistics, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"Bayes estimation of population size for latent class models"
    (joint work with Wen-Han Hwang)

July 9 (Tuesday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m., AC Conference RM1


Chin-Shang Li,
(Department of Biostatistics, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, U.S.A.)
"A Semiparametric Accelerated Failure Time Cure Model"
(joint work with J.M.G. Taylor)
July 10 (Wednesday), 11:00 -- 11:20 a.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Hongzhe Li,

(Rowe Program in Human Genetics, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, U.S.A.)

"The additive genetic frailty models and score tests for genetic linkage and association using sibship data"

July 10 (Wednesday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Ker-Chau Li,
(Department of Statistics, University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.)

"Genome-wide Co-expression Dynamics: Theory and Application"

July 9 (Tuesday), 10:10 -- 10:40 a.m.,  AC Conference RM1

Wai Keung Li,
(Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong, H.K.)

"A goodness-of-fit test for single index models"
(joint work with Y. Xia, H. Tong and D. Zhang)

July 10 (Wednesday), 11:40 a.m. -- 12:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


I.B. Lian,
(Department of Mathematics, National Changhua University of
Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"On the Exact Distribution of the Longest Matching Run"
(joint work with C.S.J. Fann, C.J. Chang, L.Y. Chen
and W.C. Chou)
July 8 (Monday), 3:50 -- 4:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3
(* Schedule updated)


Kung-Yee Liang,
(Dept. of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A.)
"Multipoint Linkage Disequilibrium Mappiug Using Case-Parent Trios"

July 10 (Wednesday), 1:10 -- 1:40 a.m.,  AC Conference RM1

(* Schedule updated)


Chen-Tuo Liao,
(Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"A Tolerance Interval for Assessing the Quality of Glucose Monitoring Meters" (joint work with H. K. Iyer)

July 8 (Monday), 2:30 -- 3:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Szu-Lang Liao,
(Department of Money and Banking, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Pricing Convertible Bonds with Credit Risk under Gaussian HJM Framework"

July 10 (Wednesday), 2:10 -- 2:40 p.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Chih-Jen Lin,
(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"Support Vector Machines for Time Series Segmentation"

(joint work with M.-W. Chang and R. C. Weng)

July 9 (Tuesday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM

(* Schedule updated)


Dennis K.J. Lin,
(Department of Management Science and Information System, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.)
"Supersaturated Design: The Last Decade and The Future"

July 8 (Monday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Jin-Lung Lin,
(Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Extreme Value Analysis of Taiwan Stock Market"
 (joint work with R. Tsay and S.-Y. Hu)

July 10 (Wednesday), 2:40 -- 3:10 p.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Miao-Hsiang Lin,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"A Case Study on the Performance of Discriminant Techniques
 on Educational Placement"
 (joint work with S.-Y. Huang and Y.-C. Chang)
July 10 (Wednesday), 1:30 -- 1:50 p.m., AC Conference RM3


Shinn-Juh Lin,

(Department of Quantitative Finance, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"Wavelet analysis of intraday periodicity in financial returns volatility"

July 8 (Monday), 2:30 -- 3:00 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Chia-Li Liu, 
(Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University,
Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Lateral Suppression of fMRI BOLD signals"
(joint work with C.C. Chen, C.W. Tyler, H. Baseler,
Y.H. Wang, K.C. Liang and J.H. Chen)
July 9 (Tuesday), 11:10 -- 11:40 a.m., AC Conference RM4


Shu-Ing Liu,
(Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Model Building for Cointegrated Data"

July 10 (Wednesday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Shaw-Hwa Lo,
(Department of Statistics, Columbia University, U.S.A.)
"Backward Haplotype Transmission Association (BHTA) Algorithm -- A Fast Multiple-Marker Screening Method"

July 10 (Wednesday), 1:40 -- 2:10 a.m.,  AC Conference RM1

(* Schedule updated)


Wei-Liem Loh,

(Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore, Singapore)

"On the asymptotic distribution of scrambled net quadrature"

July 9 (Tuesday), 2:40 -- 3:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


Henry Horng-Shing Lu,

(Institute of Statistics, National Chao Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Visualization, Screening, and Classification of Cell Cycle-Regulated Genes in Yeast by Multidimensional Scaling, Nonlinear Dimension Reduction and Wavelet Transform" (joint work with H.-M. Wu)

July 9 (Tuesday), 11:10 -- 11:40 a.m.,  AC Conference RM1


I-Li Lu,
(Applied Statistics Group, The Boeing Company, Seattle, U.S.A.)
"A Simultaneous Equation Model for Air Traffic in the New
 York Area" (joint work with J. Peixoto and W. Taam) 
July 10 (Wednesday), 10:40 -- 11:00 a.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Heng-Hui Lue,
(Department of Applied Statistics, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Principal Hessian Directions for Measurement Error Regression"
July 10 (Wednesday), 9:50 -- 10:20 a.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Dibyen Majumdar,

(Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, U.S.A.)
"Efficient and Robust Crossover Designs"

(joint work with A. Dean and S. M. Lewis)

July 9 (Tuesday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3


William Q. Meeker,
(Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, U.S.A.)
"Use of a transfer function model to predict field reliability"

July 8 (Monday), 1:00 -- 1:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Fan C. Meng,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"A Note on Two Reliability Lower Bounds for Multistate
July 10 (Wednesday), 11:20 -- 11:40 a.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Baiqi Miao,
(Department of Statistics and Finance, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, P.R.C.)
"Nonparametric Estimation for Contamination Distribution"
(joint work with J. Ning and H. Peng)

July 10 (Wednesday), 9:50 -- 10:20 a.m., AC Conference RM3

John P. Morgan,
(Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech., U.S.A.)
"Resolvable designs with large blocks" (joint work with B. Reck)

July 9 (Tuesday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Junji Nakano,
(Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan )      
"Parallel and Distributed Processing in a Statistical System"
(joint work with Yoshikazu Yamamoto, Takeshi Fujiwara and Ikunori Kobayashi)

July 9 (Tuesday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Ralph Neininger,
(School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)

"Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms by the Contraction Method"

July 8 (Monday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Megu Ohtaki,
(Department of Environmetrics and Biometrics, Hiroshima University, Japan)
"Visualization of time-spatial distribution of cancer  mortality in Japan using municipality-specific demographic data"
(joint work with H. Kawasaki, K. Satoh, T. Nakayama,  H. Yanagihara and N. Yamaguchi)

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:40 -- 2:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


Mario J.N.M. Ouwens,
(University of Maastricht, Netherlands)
"On the Maximin Criteria for Models with Covariates"
 (joint work with Frans E.S. Tan and M.P.F. Berger)
July 10 (Wednesday), 4:10 -- 4:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Tohru Ozaki,
(Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan)
"An innovation Approach to the Prediction and Control of Complex Systems"

July 10 (Wednesday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM

Byeong U. Park,
(Department of Statistics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea)
"On Local Likelihood Density Estimation"

July 10 (Wednesday), 2:40 -- 3:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


Sudhir Paul,
(Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of
Windsor, Canada)
"Generalized Linear Model, Zero-inflation and Over-dispersion"
 (joint work with D. Deng)
July 10 (Wednesday), 3:30 -- 3:50 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4

Kurtis Jai-Chyi Pei,
(Department of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.) 
"Assessing Different Modeling Methods for Spatial Distribution of Muntjacs in Southern Taiwan" (joint work with Y.-C. Lai)

July 9 (Tuesday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m., AC Conference RM1


Chao-Ying Joanne Peng,
(School of Education, Indiana University-Bloomington, U.S.A.)
"Advances in Missing Data Methods and Implications for
 Social Sciences Research"
(joint work with S.-M. Liou and L.H. Ehman)
July 10 (Wednesday), 1:10 -- 1:30 p.m., AC Conference RM3


Madan L. Puri,
(Department of Mathematics, Indiana University, U.S.A.)
"Conditional U-Statistics with Applications in Discriminant Analysis, ARMA Processes and Hidden Markov Models" (joint work with M. Harel)

July 10 (Wednesday), 3:30 -- 4:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


Marc Raimondo,
(School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Australia)

"Periodic Boxcar Deconvolution and Diophantine Approximation"
(joint work with I.M. Johnstone)

July 10 (Wednesday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


Jiong Ruan,
(Research Center for Nonlinear Sciences, Fudan University,
P.R. China)
"Parameter Determination of Both One and Two Dimensional Chaotic Discrete Neural Networks"
July 9 (Tuesday), 4:20 -- 4:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Hans Schneeweiss,
(Institute of Statistics, University of Munich, Germany)
"On the bias of structural estimation methods in a polynomial regression with measurement error when the distribution of the latent covariate is misspecified" (jointly with Chi-Lun Cheng and Roland Wolf)

July 10 (Wednesday), 9:20 -- 9:50 a.m.,  AC Conference RM1

Pranab K. Sen,
(Department of Biostatistics, North Carolina University, Chapel Hill, U.S.A.)

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:10 -- 1:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


(Department of Statistics, Panjab University, India)

"On the usefulness of knowledge of error variances in the consistent estimation of an unreplicated ultrastructural model"

(joint work with L. J. Gleser and O. Rosen)

July 10 (Wednesday), 9:50 -- 10:20 a.m., AC Conference RM2 


Xiaotong Shen,
(Department of Statistics, Ohio State University, U.S.A.)
"Nonparametric hypothesis testing for a spatial signal"

July 9 (Tuesday), 2:10 -- 2:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2

Yuan-Chung Sheu,
(Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"On Log-Sobolev Constant for Simple Random Walk on the N-cycle"

July 9 (Tuesday), 11:10 -- 11:40 a.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM

Grace S. Shieh,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Analyzing Single-slide Microarray Gene Expression Data via A Bayesian Approach"

July 9 (Tuesday), 11:40 a.m. -- 12:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1

Hidetoshi Shimodaira,
(Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan)
"Approximately unbiased tests of regions using the multistep-multiscale bootstrap resampling with applications to molecular evolution inference"

July 10 (Wednesday), 5:00 -- 5:30 a.m.,  AC Conference RM1

(* Schedule updated)


Tiande Shou,
(Department of Phsiology and Biophysics, Center for Brain Science Research, Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R. China)

"Searching for the brain function and mechanisms of visual information processing by optical imaging based on intrinsic signals"

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:40 -- 2:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Bai-Chuang Shyu,
(Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"Functional magnetic resonant imaging in experimental animals for the study of pain"

July 9 (Tuesday), 10:10 -- 10:40 a.m., AC Conference RM4


John Stufken,
(Department of  Statistics, Iowa State University, U.S.A.)
"Considerations for selecting a crossover design"

July 9 (Tuesday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3

Winfried Stute,

(Mathematical Institute, University of Giessen, Germany)
"Nonparametric Checks for Single-Index Models"

July 10 (Wednesday), 11:10 -- 11:40 a.m., AC Conference RM2


Yeneng Sun,

(Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
"New Understanding of Stochastic Independence via Continuum Methods"

July 9 (Tuesday), 10:40 -- 11:10 a.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Kazuyuki Suzuki,
(Department of Systems Engineering, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan)
"A Data Mining Approach to LSI Manufacturing System"
(joint work with Wataru Yamamoto)

July 9 (Tuesday), 11:40 a.m. -- 12:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Masayoshi Takeda,
(Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University, Japan)
"Conditional Gaugeability and Subcriticality of Generalized Schrodinger Operators"

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:10 -- 1:40 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM

(* Schedule updated)


Frans E.S. Tan,
(University of Maastricht, Netherlands)
"A Sequential Maximin Design for GLMM Models"
 (joint work with M.J.N.M. Ouwens)
July 10 (Wednesday), 3:50 -- 4:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Boxin Tang,
(Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis, U.S.A.)
"Bounds on the maximum numbers of clear two factor interactions for 2^{m-p} designs of resolution III and IV"

July 8 (Monday), 4:00 -- 4:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Jen Tang,
(Institute of Statistics, Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Optimal Burn-in Policy by Using Degradation Test"
(joint work with S.T. Tseng)

July 9 (Tuesday), 11:10 -- 11:40 a.m.,  AC Conference RM3

Young K. Truong,
(Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
"Extended linear modeling for random truncated data"

July 10 (Wednesday), 2:10 -- 2:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2


Chih-Hsin Tsai,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica,
Taipei 11529, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"EEG Cortical Sources Detection Using the Maximum A
 Posteriori Method"
July 9 (Tuesday), 4:00 -- 4:20 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Henghsiu Tsai,
(Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"A Note on Parameter Differentiation of Matrix Exponentials,
 with Applications to Continuous-Time Modeling"
July 10 (Wednesday), 9:10 -- 9:30 a.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


C. Andy Tsao,
(Department of Applied Mathematics, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Assessing Post-data Weight of Evidance"
July 10 (Wednesday), 8:50 -- 9:10 a.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Ruey S. Tsay, 
(Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, U.S.A.)
"Volatility modeling and forecasting using high-frequency data"

July 8 (Monday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM

Fugee Tsung,

(Dept. of IE & EM, Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology, H.K.)
"Multistage statistical and engineering process control"

July 9 (Tuesday), 10:40 -- 11:10 a.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Chinying Wang,
(Division of Biostatistics, CBER/FDA, U.S.A.)
"Modified Continual Reassessment Method Designs for Cancer Phase I Trials" (joint work with T.T. Chen and I. Tyan)

July 8 (Monday), 2:30 -- 3:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3


Feng-Yu Wang,

(Department of Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, P.R.C.)

"Functional Inequalities, Semigroup Properties and Spectrum Estimates"

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:40 -- 2:10 p.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM

(* Schedule updated)

Jane-Ling Wang,
(Department of Statistics, University of California, Davis, U.S.A.)
"Functional quasi-likelihood models with nonparametric random effects for longitudinal data"

(joint work with J.-M. Chiou and H.-G. Mueller)

July 9 (Tuesday), 1:40 -- 2:10 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Mei-Cheng Wang,
(Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A.)
"Analysis Of Recurrent Event Data Challenged By Informative Censoring"

July 9 (Tuesday), 2:10 -- 2:40 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1

Weijing Wang,
(Institute of Statistics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"Statistical Inference for Multiple-event Data under Dependent Competing Risks"

July 10 (Wednesday), 11:40 a.m. -- 12:10 p.m., AC Conference RM1

(* Schedule updated)


Y.H. Wang,
(Department of Statistics, Tunghai University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

"On Fiducial Distributions"

(joint work with Hsiao-Fen Chang)

July 8 (Monday), 2:30 -- 3:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Yazhen Wang,
(Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut, U.S.A.)

"GARCH Models and Diffusions"

July 10 (Wednesday), 10:40 -- 11:10 a.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


S. Weerahandi,
(Telcodia, U.S.A.)
"MANOVA under Unequal Covariance Matrices"

(joint work with T. Mathew and G. K. Jinadasa)

July 9 (Tuesday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM2

Jacek Wesolowski,
(Wydzial Matematyki i Nauk Informacyjnych, Politechnika Warszawska, Poland)

"Probability distributions in the cone of positive definite symmetric matrices: characterizations through independence"

July 8 (Monday), 1:30 -- 2:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


George Alex Whitmore,
(Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
"A Model Relating Quality of Life to Latent Health Status and
Survival" (joint work with M.-L. Ting Lee)

July 10 (Wednesday), 11:10 -- 11:40 a.m., AC Conference RM1

(* Schedule updated)


William H. Woodall,
(Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech., U.S.A.)
"A Review and Analysis of the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System"

(joint work with R. Koudelik, K.-L. Tsui, S. B. Kim, Z. G. Stoumbos and C. P. Carvounis)

July 9 (Tuesday), 10:10 -- 10:40 a.m.,  AC Conference RM3

Berlin Wu,
(Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Modeling and Forecasting for Fuzzy Time Series with Intervention"(joint work with Y.-Y. Hsu)

July 10 (Wednesday), 9:30 -- 9:50 a.m., IM 1st FL, Conference RM

C.F. Jeff Wu,
(Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, U.S.A.)

"Failure Amplification Method (FAMe): An Information Maximization Approach to Categorical Response Optimization" (joint work with V. R. Joseph)

July 8 (Monday), 2:00 -- 2:30 p.m., AC Conference RM1

Chien-Hua Wu,
(National Taipei University and Center for Drug Evaluation,
"Robustness of Mean Squared Error in Modified Nested-Error
 Regression Model" (joint work with Y.-T. Hwang)
July 10 (Wednesday), 4:30 -- 4:50 p.m.,  AC Conference RM4


Huaiqing Wu,
(Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, U.S.A.)
"Clear two-factor interactions and minimum aberration"

(joint work with C. F. J. Wu)

July 8 (Monday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Chih-Chien Yang,
(Graduate School of Educational Measurement & Statistics,
National Taichung Teachers College, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
"Finite Mixture for Phylogenetic Analysis of Antibiotic
Resistance Phenotypes" (joint work with Chang-Hua Chen)
July 8 (Monday), 4:10 -- 4:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM3
(* Schedule updated)

Qiwei Yao,
(Department of Statistics, London School of Economics, U.K.)
"Robust estimation for ARCH/GARCH models with heavy tails"

July 10 (Wednesday), 11:10 -- 11:40 a.m.,  IM 1st FL, Conference RM


Kenny Q. Ye,
(Department of Applied Math and Statistics, SUNY-Stony Brook, U.S.A.)
"Classification and aberration criteria of factorial designs with quantitative factors, a geometric approach"

(joint work with S.-W. Cheng)

July 8 (Monday), 1:30 -- 2:00 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1


Zhiliang Ying,
(Department of Statistics, Columbia University, U.S.A.)

"An estimating equation approach to the proportional hazards model with a cure rate"

July 10 (Wednesday), 10:40 -- 11:10 p.m., AC Conference RM1

(* Schedule updated)


Paul S.F. Yip,
(Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong, H.K.)

"A Unified Parametric Regression Model for Recapture Studies with Random Removals in Continuous Time"
(joint work with Wang Yan)

July 9 (Tuesday), 4:30 -- 5:00 p.m., AC Conference RM1


Cun-Hui Zhang,
(Department of Statistics, Rutgers University, U.S.A.)

"Block Empirical Bayes Methods and Nonparametric Regression"

July 10 (Wednesday), 1:10 -- 1:40 p.m., AC Conference RM2


Haibo Zhou,

(Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, U.S.A.)
"Statistical Methods for Outcome Dependent Sampling Designs"
July 10 (Wednesday), 9:20 -- 9:50 a.m., AC Conference RM3

(* Schedule updated)


