Editor's Melange Highlights -- At the interface of statistics and brain science......................... .......John A. D. Aston, Emery N. Brown, Wei Liem Loh, Keith J. Worsley and Yingnian Wu 1201 Editorial -- Statistical relativism in neuroimaging.....................Karl J. Friston 1203 The role and development of applied statistics to advance brain science..Nicholas Lange 1215 Statistical Challenges and Advances in Brain Science A supervised singular value decomposition for independent component analysis of fMRI... ..................................Ping Bai, Haipeng Shen, Xuemei Huang and Young Truong 1233 A bootstrap test to investigate changes in brain connectivity for functional MRI....... .....................................Pierre Bellec, Guillaume Marrelec and Habib Benali 1253 Encoding cortical surface by spherical harmonics ......................Moo K. Chung, Richard Hartley, Kim Dalton and Richard J. Davidson 1269 Continuous-time filters for state estimation from point process models of neural data .........................................................Uri T. Eden and Emery N. Brown 1293 An overview of modeling techniques for hybrid brain data...Apratim Guha and Atanu Biswas 1311 Mixture modeling for dynamic PET data....................Huiping Jiang and R. Todd Ogden 1341 Dealing with spatial normalization errors in fMRI group inference using hierarchical modeling.................Merlin Keller, Alexis Roche, Alan Tucholka and Bertrand Thirion 1357 Nonparametric bootstrap for K-functions arising from mixed-effects models with applications in neuropathology..........................Sabine Landau and Ian P. Everall 1375 The acquisition and statistical analysis of rapid 3D fMRI data.......................... ......................Martin A. Lindquist, Cun-Hui Zhang, Gary Glover and Lawrence Shepp 1395 Residual analysis for detecting mis-modeling in fMRI.................................... .......................................Ji Meng Loh, Martin A. Lindquist and Tor D. Wager 1421 Penalized PARAFAC analysis of spontaneous EEG recordings................................ ................Eduardo Martinez-Montes, Jose M. Sanchez-Bornot and Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa 1449 Spatio-spectral analysis of brain signals................................. ..Hernando Ombao, Xiaofeng Shao, Elena Rykhlevskaia, Monica Fabiani and Gabriele Gratton 1465 Inferring individual differences in fMRI: Finding brain regions with significant within subject correlation..............Sumitra Purkayastha, Tor D. Wager and Thomas E. Nichols 1483 Uncovering sparse brain effective connectivity: A voxel-based approach using penalized regression.............................................................................. Jose M. Sanchez-Bornot, Eduardo Martinez-Montes, Agustin Lage-Castellanos, Mayrim Vega-Hernandez and Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa 1501 Scope of resampling-based tests in fNIRS neuroimaging data analysis..................... .........Archana K. Singh, Lester Clowney, Masako Okamoto, James B. Cole and Ippeita Dan 1519 Penalized least squares methods for solving the EEG inverse problem..................... Mayrim Vega-Hernandez, Eduardo Martinez-Montes, Jose M. Sanchez-Bornot,Agustin Lage-Castellanos and Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa 1535 Hybrid permutation test with application to surface shape analysis...................... .................................................Chunxiao Zhou and Yongmei Michelle Wang 1553 Statistical modelling of brain morphological measures within family pedigrees........... Hongtu Zhu, Yimei Li, Niansheng Tang, Ravi Bansal, Xuejun Hao, Myrna M. Weissman and Bradley S. Peterson 1569 General Multiple testing of two-sided alternatives with dependent data........................... ....................................................Arthur Cohen and Harold B. Sackrowitz 1593 Adaptive LASSO for sparse high-dimensional regression models............................. ................................................Jian Huang, Shuangge Ma and Cun-Hui Zhang 1603 Ratewise efficient estimation of regression coefficients based on Lp procedures.......... ..........................................................P. Y. Lai and Stephen M. S. Lee 1619 An extension of Peskun and Tierney orderings to continuous time Markov chains............ ......................................................Fabrizio Leisen and Antonietta Mira 1641 Investigating nonparametric priors with Gibbs structure.................................. .......................................Antonio Lijoi, Igor Prunster and Stephen G. Walker 1653 Disclosure risk and replication-based variance estimation................................ .........................................................Wilson W. Lu and Randy R. Sitter 1669 A general minimum lower-order confounding criterion for two-level regular designs........ .......................................Runchu Zhang, Peng Li, Shengli Zhao and Mingyao Ai 16892008 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405