Statistica Sinica 32 (2022), 1411-1433
Wodan Ling1, Bin Cheng2, Ying Wei2, Joshua Z. Willey2 and Ying Kuen Cheung2
1Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and 2Columbia University
Abstract: An extension of quantile regression is proposed to model zero-inflated outcomes, which have become increasingly common in biomedical studies. The method is flexible enough to depict complex and nonlinear associations between the covariates and the quantiles of the outcome. We establish the theoretical properties of the estimated quantiles, and develop inference tools to assess the quantile effects. Extensive simulation studies indicate that the novel method generally outperforms existing zero-inflated approaches and the direct quantile regression in terms of the estimation and inference of the heterogeneous effect of the covariates. The approach is applied to data from the Northern Manhattan Study to identify risk factors for carotid atherosclerosis, measured by the ultrasound carotid plaque burden.
Key words and phrases: Constrained post-estimation smoothing, nonnormal asymptotic distribution, quantile regression, zero-inflated outcomes.