Volume 12   Number 1   January  2002

Editorial......................................................................... 1 Introduction....................................................Jun Liu and Bin Yu 3 Generalized association plots: information visualization via iteratively generated correlation matrices.............................................Chun-Houh Chen 7 Replicated microarray data........................Ingrid Lonnstedt and Terry Speed 31 Exploratory screening of genes and clusters from microarray experiments........... ....................................Robert Tibshirani, Trevor Hastie, Balasubr- amanian Narasimhan, Michael Eisen, Gavin Sherlock, Pat Brown and David Botstein 47 Plaid models for gene expression data................Laura Lazzeroni and Art Owen 61 Paired and unpaired comparison and clustering with gene expression data......... .....................Jenny Bryan, Katherine S. Pollard and Mark J. van der Laan 87 Statistical methods for identifying differentially expressed genes in replicated cDNA microarray experiments.................................................... ..........Sandrine Dudoit, Yee Hwa Yang, Matthew J. Callow and Terence P. Speed 111 A simple statistical model for depicting the cdc15-synchronized yeast cell-cycle regulated gene expression data.........Ker-Chau Li, Ming Yan and Shinsheng Yuan 141 A Practical method for interpretation of threading scores: an application of neura -l network....................................Ying Xu, Dong Xu and Victor Olman 159 DNA sequencing and parametric deconvolution.................................Lei Li 179 Statistical analysis of a gene expression microarray experiment with replication ...................................M. Kathleen Kerr, Cynthia A. Afshari, Lee B- ennett, Pierre Bushel, Jeanelle Martinez, Nigel J. Walker and Gary A. Churchill 203 Statistical Issues in the Clustering of Gene Expression Data................... ........................Darlene R. Goldstein, Debashis Ghosh and Erin M. Conlon 219 Evaluation and comparison of clustering algorithms in anglyzing es cell gene exp ression data.............................................Gengxin Chen, Saied A. Jaradat, Nila Banerjee, Tetsuya S. Tanaka, Minoru S. H. Ko and Michael Q. Zhang 241 Modeling the influence of disease processes on gene expression.......Kerby Shedden 263 Rational statistical design of antisense oligonucleotides for high throughput functional genomics and drug target validation..............Ye Ding 273 A unified multipoint linkage analysis of qualitative and quantitative traits for sib-pairs........I-Shou Chang, Miao-Ying Chen, Chin-Fu Hsiao and Chao A. Hsiung 297 Inference on pedigree structure from genome screen data...........Mary Sara McPeeK 311 Detecting genetic association in case-control studies using similarity-based assoc iation tests...................Shuanglin Zhang, Kenneth K. Kidd and Hongyu Zhao 337
2002 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405