The 2002 Taipei International Statistical Symposium 
and Bernoulli Society  EAPR Conference

Tour Guide Information


Other view-points introduction

We will provide some view-points introduction in Taiwan. Let tourist arrange private schedule in your free time with more information.  Followings are some of the most famous sightseeing interests in the north of Taiwan.


Yangmingshan National Park




National Palace Museum


   元 黃公望 富春山居圖(無用師) 明 徐渭 花竹 宋 蘇軾 寒食帖 元 繡 先春四喜 北魏 太和元年 釋迦牟尼佛坐像 宋 定窯 嬰兒枕


National Museum of History


Dr. Sun Yat-sen Historic Events Memorial Hall




Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall




Tamshui Town


  長堤 遠望淡水河宏偉的建築-紅毛城 遠望紅毛城  


Lungshan Temple



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