¡@ Most Accessed Papers over the last 3 years

Statistica Sinica announces the most accessed articles on Jan. 1st every year. Top 10 articles are determined based on the records of paper accesses over the last three years.

  1. Pseudo- R2 in logistic regression model
    Bo Hu, Jun Shao and Mari Palta
    Vol.16, No.3, 847-860 (Year 2006)
  2. An overview of composite likelihood methods
    Cristiano Varin, Nancy Reid and David Firth
    Vol.21, No.1, 5-42 (Year 2011)
  3. Multivariate functional principal component analysis: A normalization approach
    Jeng-Min Chiou, Yu-Ting Chen and Ya-Fang Yang
    Vol.24, No.4, 1571-1596 (Year 2014)
  4. A covariance regression model
    Peter D. Hoff and Xiaoyue Niu
    Vol.22, No.2, 729-753 (Year 2012)
  5. Split selection methods for classification trees
    Loh, W.-Y.and Shih, Y.-S.
    Vol.7, No.4, 815-840 (Year 1997)
  6. ML estimation of the t distribution using EM and its extensions, ECM and ECME
    Liu, C. H. and Rubin, D. B
    Vol.5, No.1, 19-39 (Year 1995)
  7. On the number of successes in independent trials
    Wang, Y. H.
    Vol.3, No.2, 295-312 (Year 1993)
  8. Sequential analysis: some classical problems and new challenges
    Tze Leung Lai
    Vol.11, No.2, 303-408 (Year 2001)
  9. Modeling covariance matrices in terms of standard deviations and correlations, with application to shrinkage
    John Barnard, Robert McCulloch and Xiao-Li Meng
    Vol.10 No.4, 1281-1311 (Year 2000)
  10. Adaptive Lasso for sparse high-dimensional regression models
    Jian Huang, Shuangge Ma and Cun-Hui Zhang
    Vol. 18, No. 4, 1603-1618 (Year 2008)