Statistica Sinica 33 (2023), 759-786
Yuexia Zhang, Peibei Shi, Zhongyi Zhu,
Linbo Wang and Annie Qu
Abstract: Penalized likelihood models are widely used to simultaneously select variables and estimate model parameters. However, the existence of weak signals can lead to inaccurate variable selection, biased parameter estimation, and invalid inference. Thus, identifying weak signals accurately and making valid inferences are crucial in penalized likelihood models. We develop a unified approach to identify weak signals and make inferences in penalized likelihood models, including the special case when the responses are categorical. To identify weak signals, we use the estimated selection probability of each covariate as a measure of the signal strength and formulate a signal identification criterion. To construct confidence intervals, we propose a two-step inference procedure. Extensive simulation studies show that the proposed procedure outperforms several existing methods. We illustrate the proposed method by applying it to the Practice Fusion diabetes data set.
Key words and phrases: Adaptive Lasso, de-biased method, model selection, post-selection inference.