Statistica Sinica 26 (2016), 675-690 doi:
Abstract: We propose a general method for constructing Latin hypercubes of flexible run sizes for computer experiments. The method makes use of arrays with a special structure and Latin hypercubes. By using different such arrays and Latin hypercubes, the proposed method produces various types of Latin hypercubes including orthogonal and nearly orthogonal Latin hypercubes, sliced Latin hypercubes, and Latin hypercubes in marginally coupled designs. In addition, the proposed algebraic design construction is particularly efficient as it does not need any optimization search but still produces Latin hypercubes whose space-filling properties are comparable with those generated by the common and latest methods in the literature.
Key words and phrases: Completely resolvable, computer experiment, fractional factorial design, orthogonal array, orthogonality, projection.