Volume 12   Number 4   October  2002

Unimodal density estimation using kernel methods..................................
   ...................................................Peter Hall and Li-Shan Huang 965
Generalized minimum aberration and design efficiency for nonregular fractional fac
   -torial designs..................Ching-Shui Cheng, Lih-Yuan Deng and Boxin Tang 991
A frailty model for detecting number of faults in a system........................
   ......................................Yan Wang, Paul S. F. Yip and Y. Hayakawa 1001
Lp-optimality for regression designs under correlations...........................
   ...................................................Kim-Hung Li and Nai N. Chan 1005
Computational methods for evaluating sequential tests and post-test estimation VIA
   the sufficiency principle.......Xiaoping Xiong, Ming Tan and Michael H. Kutner 1027
Regression modeling for nonparametric estimation of distribution and quantile func
   -tions...........................................Ming-Yen Cheng and Liang Peng 1043
Empirical Bayes tests based on kernel sequence estimation.........................
   ................................................Jianjun Li and Shanti S. Gupta 1061
Nonparametric survival comparisons for interval-censored continuous data..........
   ..............................Hong-Bin Fang, Jianguo Sun and Mei-Ling Ting Lee 1073
2n Behavioral experunebts using Papeto optimal choice sets........................
   ..........................................Damaraju Raghavarao and Daozhi Zhang 1085
Dimension reduction based on canonical correlation..............................
   ................................Wing Kam Fung, Xuming He, Li Liu and Peide Shi 1093
Continuous-time capture-recapture models with covariates........................
   ...................................................Wen-Han Hwang and Anne Chao 1115
A minimax two-stage procedure for comparing treatments: looking at a hybrid test
   and estimation problem as a whole...........Wolfgang Bischoff and Frank Miller 1133
Optimal design of experiments with possibly failing trials......................
   ..................................Lorens A. Imhof, Dale Song and Weng Kee Wong 1145
Non-uniform Berry-Esseen bound for U-statistics.......................Qiying Wang 1157
On functionals of linear processes with estimated parameters........Hwai-Chung Ho 1171
On regression estimators with de-noised variables...............................
   ........................................Hengjian Cui, Xuming He and Lixing Zhu 1191
Effects of covariance misspecification in a latent variable model for multiple
   outcomes.................................Mary Dupuis Sammel and Louise M. Ryan 1207
Estimation of distribution function and quantiles using the model-calibrated
   pseudo empirical likelihood method.................Jiahua Chen and Changbao Wu 1223
On block thresholding in wavelet regression: adaptivity, block size, and thresho
   -ld level..........................................................T. Tony Cai 1241
Sensitivity and other properties of wavelet regression and density estimators....
   ................................................................Olivier Renaud 1275

2002 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405