% % %
%                  IMS ABSTRACT TEMPLATE
% This file contains the definitions and abstract 
% template for creating an Abstract for The IMS Bulletin 
%                  in TeX.
% If possible,  please check your abstract before sending 
% by typesetting it using the style provided.
% NB  When saving the template, avoid spaces in the filename.
% __________________________________________________________ 

%                   STYLE and definitions
% (Please resist the temptation to change this section.)

\nopagenumbers  \hsize=13.5cm  \hoffset=1.3cm  \voffset=1.8cm
\parskip=0pt \parindent=1.5cm \overfullrule=0pt \baselineskip=11pt

\long\def\URL#1{ \noindent{\rm \obeylines{ #1}} \vskip20pt} 
\long\def\ADDRESS#1#2#3{{ \noindent {\rm [ #1, #2;  #3] }\vskip20pt } }
\long\def\ABSTRACT#1 {\parindent=0pt {\rm #1 }\parindent=1.5cm \vskip10pt } 
\long\def\AFFILIATION#1{\hang {\it #1} \vskip10pt} 
\long\def\AUTHOR#1#2 {\hang {\rm #1 #2}}
\long\def\INFO#1{{\parindent=0pt\it \obeylines{#1}}\vskip20pt}

% end of definitions

% __________________________________________________________ 

%                   INSTRUCTIONS
%  A suggested way of using this TEMPLATE is to replace the 
% information enclosed in braces{} following the commands, 
%  by your own information. 
%  If no  information is  available for a command
%       please delete the corresponding command and its braces.  
%       For example:  Delete \URL{  } if the paper is not available on WWW.
%  If the information to be placed in braces is not available simply 
%       delete the example but leave the braces i.e.  {} .
%       For example:  If you don't have an 'EMAIL address' use  
%       \ADDRESS {Name} {Regular mailing address}{}  
% Please try to keep lines to 72 characters or less. 
% __________________________________________________________ 
%  Use \AUTHOR  followed by \AFFILIATION for a single author paper.
%  If there are mutiple authors from the same affiliation please repeat
%  \AUTHOR until all authors have been listed followed by \AFFILIATION.
%  When there are multiple authors but from different affiliations use
%     appropriate combinations of  \AUTHOR and \AFFILIATION.
%  Example:
%  --------
%  Author from one affiliation  and two authors from another affiliation.     
%     \AUTHOR {M.Y.}{Surname}
%     \AFFILIATION {SciAssoc, Town, Country}
%     \AUTHOR {Then M.E.}{Too}
%     \AUTHOR {M.E. As}{Well}
%     \AFFILIATION {SciUni, Town, Country}
% __________________________________________________________ 
%  START of IMS Bulletin TeX Abstract TEMPLATE. 
%  The style and information above does not need to be submitted
%  and may be removed before sending.   

\INFO {This information is for organizing the abstracts.

If Invited please state INVITED and give Organiser's Name.

If Contributed state  CONTRIBUTED.

If Submitted by Title please state ABSTRACT BY TITLE.}

\TITLE {Title of Abstract. (Please do not include symbols nor exceed 
15 words; see previous Bulletins for format.)} 

\AUTHOR {Given name  middle initials} {Family name} 

\AFFILIATION {Please provide affiliation and location. eg. University 
of Wisconsin, Madison, USA}

\ABSTRACT {Please type the Abstract here. The Abstract itself should 
not exceed 150 words and should contain almost no mathematical symbols 
nor expressions. {\sl Abstracts with an excess of mathematics will be 
returned}\/ to the author\slash s. References to the work of others 
should be complete and accurate, though titles of journal articles are 
not included. Pagination must, however, be quoted in full. The 
following style is recommended: 

``$\ldots$ theorems of Lindley and Smith [{\it J.\thinspace 
Roy.\thinspace Statist.\thinspace Soc.Ser.B}\thinspace 34\thinspace 

\ADDRESS {Corresponding author's name} 
{Regular mailing address}  

\URL {The Location on the World Wide Web of a tex, latex  or 
postscript version of the paper if it is available. 
For example,    http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/ims/
is the location  (URL) for the IMS homepage.}

