10d1 -- Statistical Modelling in Genetics and Bioinformatics

July 10 (Wednesday), 3:30 -- 5:30 p.m.,  AC Conference RM1

Organizer: Chao Agnes Hsiung (National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
Chair: Chun-Houh Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
3:30 p.m. The Additive Genetic Frailty Models and Score Tests for Genetic Linkage and Association Using Sibship Data,
Hongzhe Li (University of California, Davis, U.S.A.)
4:00 p.m. A Semiparametric Model for Normalization and Analysis of Microarray Data,
Jian Huang (University of Iowa, U.S.A.)
4:30 p.m A Unified Multipoint Linkage Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Traits for Sib-Pairs,
I-Shou Chang (National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, R.O.C.;
Co-authors: M.-Y. Chen, C.-F. Hsiao and C. A. Hsiung)
* 5:00 p.m. Approximately Unbiased Tests of Regions Using the Multistep-multiscale Bootstrap Resampling with Applications to Molecular Evolution Inference,
Hidetoshi Shimodaira (Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan)
* Schedule updated

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