Volume 9   Number 3   July  1999
Methodologies in spectral analysis of large dimensional random matrices,
   a review-----------------------------------------------------Bai, Z. D. 611
  Comment:Spectral analysis of random matrices using the replica method
           -------------------------------------------------Rodgers, G. j. 662
  Comment:Complements and new developments--------------Silverstein, J. W. 667
  Rejoinder-----------------------------------------------------Bai, Z. D. 671
Confidence bands for growth and response curves--------------------------
  -------------------------------------Sun, J., Raz, J. and Faraway, J. J. 679
Von Mises type statistics for single site updated local interaction 
   random fields-------Greenwood, P. E., McKeague I. W. and Wefelmeyer, W. 699
On the relationship between Bayesian and non-Bayesian elimination
  of nuisance parameters-----------------------------------Severini, T. A. 713
A note on first passage times of stationary sequence  -----------Ho, H.-C. 725
On the estimation and testing of functional-coefficient linear models----
  ---------------------------------------------------Xia, Y. and Li, W. K. 735
Smoothing regressing quantile by combining k-NN Estimation with local
  linear kernel fitting---------------------------------------------Yu, K. 759
Automatic bandwidth choice in a semiparametric regression model----------
   ------------------------------------------------------------Hong, S.-Y. 775
Generalized bayes confidence estimators for fieller's confidence sets----
   ----------------------------------------Tsao, C. A. and Hwang, J. T. G. 795
A study of asymptotic distributions of concomitants of certain
  order statistics-------------------Chu, S.-J., Huang, W.-J. and Chen, H. 811
On normal theory and associated test statistics in covariance structure
  analysis under two classes of nonnormal distributions--------------
  ------------------------------------------Yuan, K.-H. and Bentler, P. M. 831
Reliability analysis using the least squares method in nonlinear
  mixed-effect degradation models-------------------Wu, S.-J. and Shao, J. 855
On the probability of correct selection in the Levin-Robbins sequential
  elimination procedure---------------------------Leu, C.-S. and Levin, B. 879
A robust asymptotically optimal procedure in Bayes sequential estimation
  ------------------------------------------------------------Hwang, L.-C. 893
Uniform designs based on Latin squares----------------------------------
  ---------------------------------Fang, K.-T., Shiu, W.-C. and Pan, J.-X. 905

1999 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405