Volume 2     Number 2     July 1992

Experimental Design and Quality Improvement

Robust parameter design with uncontrolled noise variables---------------------------
   ----------------------------------------------------- A. E. Freeny and V. N. Nair  313
A theory of performance measures in parameter design----- R. V. Leon and C. F. J. Wu  335
Bayesian design and analysis of computer experiments: Two examples------------------
   ------------------------------------------------- T. J. Mitchell and M. D. Morris  359
On estimability problems in industrial experiments with censored data---------------
   --------------------------------------------------------- M. Hamada and S. K. Tse  381
Construction of trend-resistant factorial designs-----------------------------------
   ----------------------------------------- R. A. Bailey, C. S. Cheng and P. Kipnis  393
Efficient semi-Latin squares------------------------------------------- R. A. Bailey  413
Orthogonal arrays for computer experiments, integration and visualization- A. B. Owen 439
Two-level factorial designs for main effects and selected two-factor interactions---
   ---------------------------------------------------- A. S. Hedayat and H. Pesotan  453

Nonlinear Time Series

Identification of bilinear time series models BL(p,0,p,1)---------------------------
   ----------------------------------------- T. Subba Rao and M. Eduarda A. da Silva  465
On stationarity and asymptotic inference of bilinear time series models-------J. Liu  479


Empirical Bayes estimation of heteroscedastic variances--------------------- J. Shao  495
Asymptotic theory of a bias-corrected least squares estimator in truncated regression
   ----------------------------------------------------------- T. L. Lai and Z. Ying  519
Adaptive test statistics and Bahadur efficiency----------- A. L. Rukhin and K. S.Mak  541
On deconvolution using time of flight information in positron emission tomography
   --------------------------------------------------------------------- H. P. Zhang  553
Resolution of trilinear mixtures: Application in spectroscopy--------------------
   ------------------------------------------------------ X. M. Tu and D. S. Burdick  577
On the Kadane-Duncan conjecture----------------------------------------------- G. Li  595
Contribution of time series analysis to data processing of astronomical observations 
   in China ---------------------------------------------------- D. Zheng and S. Luo  605

1992 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405