Volume 1   Number 1   January 1991


Goodness-of-fit tests for the general Cox regression model-- D. Y. Lin and L. J. Wei    1
Regression models for right truncated data with applications to AIDS incubation
   times and reporting lags -------------------- J. D. Kalbfleisch and J. F. Lawless   19
Topics in likelihood-based methods for longitudinal data analysis ------ N. M. Laird   33
Feedback models for discrete and continuous time series-----------------------------
   ---------------------------------------------------- S. L. Zeger and K. -Y. Liang   51


Significance levels from repeated p-values with multiply-imputed data------------
   --------------------------- K.-H. Li, X.-L. Meng, T. E. Raghunathan and D B Rubin   65
Regression percentiles using asymmetric squared error loss ---------------- B. Efron   93
A bias bound for least squares linear regression --------------- N.Duan and K.-C. Li  127
Simple estimators for the mean of skewed populations ------------------ W. A. Fuller  137
Evaluating confidence sets using loss functions --------- G. Casella and J. T. Hwang  159
Convergence rates for the critical branching process with immigration--------------
   ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Z. Wei  175
Second-order differentiability and jackknife ------------------------------- J. Shao  185
Asymptotically efficient adaptive L-estimators in linear models -------- A. H. Welsh  203
Two constructions for balanced incomplete block designs with nested rows and 
   columns ----------------------------------------------- N. Uddin and J. P. Morgan  229
Cross-validatory choice of weights for combining intrablock and interblock 
   estimates ------------------------ S. A. Naberhuis Stehouwer and A. M. Kshirsagar  233
Two canonical forms for vector ARMA processes --------------------------- R. S. Tsay  247
Asymptotic theory for simultaneous estimation of binomial means---------------------
   ------------------------------------------------ A. M. Ali and A. K. Md. E. Saleh  271
Independence of time and cause of failure in the multiple dependent competing 
   risks model ---------------------------------------- S. C. Kochar and F. Proschan  295
The covariance of rank scores in order-statistics models -------------- R. J. Henery  301

1991 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405