Highlights -- A glimpse into the Bayesian century ...................... Xiao-Li Meng   411

Editorials -- Bayesian model selection: some thoughts on future directions .......... 
   ........................................................................ Hani Doss   413

Bayes: radical, liberal, or conservative? ............................. Andrew Gelman   422

Bayesian nonparametric estimation of a bivariate survival function ..................
   .................................... Paolo Bulla, Pietro Muliere and Stephen Walker  427

Bayesian approaches to joint longitudinal and survival models accommodating both zero
   and nonzero cure fractions .................... Yueh-Yun Chi and Joseph G. Ibrahim   445

Maximin and Bayesian optimal designs for regression models ..........................  
   ................................ Holger Dette, Linda M. Haines and Lorens A. Imhof   463

Empirical Bayes density regression .................................. David B. Dunson   481

A new class of skewed multivariate distributions with applications to regression 
   analysis ............................. Jose T. A. S. Ferreira and Mark F. J. Steel   505

Bayesian dose finding in phase I clinical trials based on a new statistical framework
   .......................................................... Y. Ji, Y. Li and G. Yin   531

Bayesian accelerated failure time model for correlated interval-censored data  with a 
   normal mixture as error distribution .............................................
   ............................................ Arnovst Komarek and Emmanuel Lesaffre   549

A robust sequential Bayesian method for identification of differentially expressed 
   genes ................................ Faming Liang, Chuanhai Liu and Naisyin Wang   571

Frequentist optimality of Bayes factor estimators in wavelet regression models ......
   .......................................... Marianna Pensky and Theofanis Sapatinas   599

Bayesian decision theoretic scale-adaptive estimation of a log-spectral density .....
   ........................ Marianna Pensky, Brani Vidakovic and Daniela De Canditiis   631

Adaptive Bayesian criteria in variable selection for generalized linear models ......
   ................................................. Xinlei Wang and Edward I. George   667

An extended class of marginal link functions for modelling contingency tables by 
   equality and inequality constraints ..............................................  
   ........................ Francesco Bartolucci, Roberto Colombi and Antonio Forcina   691

A test for constancy of isotonic regressions using the $L_2$-norm ...................
   .............. Ana Colubi, J. Santos Dominguez-Menchero and Gil Gonzalez-Rodriguez   713

Stopping at the last renewal up to a terminal time .................. Shoou-Ren Hsiau   725   

Testing dynamic rules of animal cognitive processing with longitudinal distribution 
   data ................ Fushing Hsieh, Shwu-Bin Horng, Hui-Ying Lin and Yen-Chiu Lan   735

Effect of measurement error on monitoring multivariate process variability ..........
   ................................................... Longcheen Huwang and Ying Hung   749

Estimating species accumulation curves and diversity indices ......... Chang Xuan Mao   761

Testing for symmetric error distribution in nonparametric regression models .........
   ................................................ Natalie Neumeyer and Holger Dette   775

Backfitting versus profiling in general criterion functions .........................
   ....................................... Ingrid Van Keilegom and Raymond J. Carroll   797

Statistics with estimated parameters ............ Z. L. Yang, Y. K. Tse and Z. D. Bai   817

2007 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405