Volume 14   Number 4   October  2004

Using Kullback-Leibler information for model selection when the data-
    generating model is unknown: applications to genetic testing problems..
    .....................Gang Zheng, Boris Freidlin and Joseph L. Gastwirth   1021

Encounter history modeling of joint mark-recapture, tag-resighting and tag-
    recovery data under temporary emigration...............................
    ................Richard J. Barker, Kenneth P. Burnham and Gary C. White   1037

Some algorithmic aspects of the empirical likelihood method in survey 
    sampling..................................................Changbao Wu     1057

A note on regular fractional factorial designs................Kenny Q. Ye     1069

Some new three-level orthogonal main effects plans robust to model uncer-
    tainty..................Pi-Wen Tsai, Steven G. Gilmour and Roger Mead     1075

Analysis of distributions in factorial experiments.........................
    .......................................R. C. H. Cheng and O. D. Jones     1085

On random-design model with dependent errors...............................
    .......................................Jan Mielniczuk and Wei Biao Wu     1105

Bayesian nonparametric survival analysis via Lévy Driven Markov Processes
    .............................Luis E. Nieto-Barajas and Stephen G. Walker  1127
Bayesian estimation in single-index models.................................
    ...............Anestis Antoniadis, Gérard Grégoire and Ian W. McKeague    1147

Likelihood ratio test for homogeneity in normal mixtures in the presence of
    a structural parameter ..................Yong Song Qin and Bruce Smith    1165

Reduced bootstrap for the median...........................................
    ............... D. Jiménez-Gamero, J. Muñoz-García and  R. Pino-Mejías    1179   

Projection-based affine equivariant  multivariate location estimators with 
    the best possible finite sample breakdown point..............Yijun Zuo    1199

Simultaneous concentration bands for continuous random samples.............
    .....................................Balgobin Nandram and Jai Won Choi    1209

An index of local sensitivity to nonignorability...........................
    ...................Andrea B. Troxel, Guoguang Ma and Daniel F. Heitjan    1221

An F test for linear models with functional responses....................
    ..........................................Qing Shen and Julian Faraway    1239

A skew-symmetric representation of multivariate distributions..............
    .........................Jiuzhou Wang, Joseph Boyer and Marc G. Genton    1259        

2004 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405