Volume 14   Number 1   January  2004

A goodness-of-fit test for single-index models ...............................
   .........................Yingcun Xia, W. K. Li, Howell Tong and Dixin Zhang    1
   Comment..............................Lexin Li and Christopher J. Nachtsheim   28
   Rejoinder................Yingcun Xia, W. K. Li, Howell Tong and Dixin Zhang   35
Bayesian model assessment in factor analysis..................................
   .......................................Hedibert Freitas Lopes and Mike West   41
Bootstrapping a spatial point process................J. M. Loh and M. L. Stein   69
Г-minimax wavelet shrinkage: a robust incorporation of information about energy
   of a signal in denoising applications .....................................
   .......................................Claudia Angelini and Brani Vidakovic  103
On Bahadur efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimator in hidden Markov
   models........................................................Cheng-Der Fuh  127
Introducing model uncertainty in time series bootstrap........................
   value at risk estimation........Andrés M. Alonso, Daniel Peña and Juan Romo  155
Computing tail probabilities by numerical Fourier inversion: the absolutely
   continuous case ......................................Robert L. Strawderman  175
Aberration, estimation capacity and estimation index..........................
   ........................................Hegang H. Chen and Ching-Shui Cheng  203
A tolerance interval for the normal distribution with several variance components
   ..................................................C. T. Liao and H. K. Iyer  217
Goodness-of-fit tests and minimum power divergence estimators for survival data
   ............................Huann-Sheng Chen, Kunjung Lai and Zhiliang Ying  231
Checking for the gamma frailty distribution under the marginal proportional
   hazards frailty model ...........................Sufang Cui and Yanqing Sun  249
Estimation with univariate "Mixed Case" interval censored data ...............
   ..............................................................Shuguang Song  269
The maximum likelihood estimates of expected frequencies under the loop order
   ..........................................Ning-Zhong Shi and Shu-Rong Zheng  283
Influence function and asymptotic efficiency of the affine equivariant rank
   covariance matrix................Esa Ollila, Christophe Croux and Hannu Oja  297
Local influence analysis of two-level latent variable models with continuous
   and polytomous data...........................Xin-Yuan Song and Sik-Yum Lee  317
Linear hypothesis testing in censored regression models ............L. C. Zhao  333

2004 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405