Volume 13   Number 3   July  2003

Spline estimators for the functional linear model.................................
   ................................Herve Cardot, Frederic Ferraty and Pascal Sarda 571
AUC-based tests for nonparametric functions with longitudinal data ...............
   .......................................................Yanqing Sun and Hulin Wu 593
Two-way contingency tables under conditional hot deck imputation..................
   .....................................................Hansheng Wang and Jun Shao 613
A noniterative sampling method for computing posteriors in the structure of EM -
   type algorithms........................Ming Tan, Guo-Liang Tian and Kai Wang Ng 625
Efficient replication variance estimation for two-phase sampling..................
   .....................................................J. K. Kim and R. R. Sitter 641
Using auxiliary information for improving estimation in the number of species problem
   ................................................................S. Lynne Stokes 655
The estimation of the size of an open population using local estimating equations .
   .............................................Hsin-Chou Yang and Richard Huggins 673
Minimum moment aberration for nonregular designs and supersaturated designs ......
   ....................................................................Hongquan Xu 691
A note on optimal mixture and mixture amount designs..............................
   .....................................Berthold Heiligers and Ralf-Dieter Hilgers 709
On adaptive estimation in orthogonal saturated designs ...........................
   ................................................Weizhen Wang and Daniel T. Voss 727
A kernel-based method for estimating additive partially linear models ............
   ...........................................................Yanqin Fan and Qi Li 739
Checking the adequacy of a partial linear model ..................................
   ......................................................Li-Xing Zhu and Kai W. Ng 763
Regression with multiple candidate models: selecting or mixing? ..................
   ....................................................................Yuhong Yang 783
Penalized likelihood density estimation: direct cross-validation and scalable
   approximation........................................Chong Gu and Jingyuan Wang 811
Robust tests for independence of two time series .....Pierre Duchesne and Roch Roy 827
Estimating the extreme value index and high quantiles with exponential regression
   models ..............................................G. Matthys and J. Beirlant 853
Rates of convergence and adaptation over Besov spaces under pointwise risk........
   ....................................................................T. Tony Cai 881
Estimation of distribution functions under second order stochastic dominance......
   ........................................Javier Rojo Jimenez and Hammou El Barmi 903

2003 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405