Volume 11   Number 4   October  2001

Celebrating the New Millennium:Editors' Invited Article
Inference for semiparametric models:  some questions and an answer--------------
   ...........................................Peter J. Bickel and Jaimyoung Kwon   863
   Comment..........................................................Jianqing Fan   886
   Comment..........Priscilla E. Greenwood, Anton Schick and Wolfgang Wefelmeyer   892
   Comment..................................................Chris A. J. Klaassen   906
   Comment......................................Mark J. van der Laan and Zhuo Yu   910
   Comment.......................................Brad McNeney and Jon A. Wellner   917
   Comment..................................James M. Robins and Andrea Rotnitzky   920
   Comment.............................................Xiaotong Shen and Bing Li   936
   Comment.........................................................Cun-Hui Zhang   941
   Rejoinder..................................Peter J. Bickel and Jaimyoung Kwon   945

Cross-related structural time series models.....Wensheng Guo and Morton B. Brown   961
On computation using Gibbs sampling for multilevel models.......................
   ...................Alan E. Gelfand, Bradley P. Carlin and  Matilde Trevisani    981
Automatic Bayesian model averaging for linear regression and applications in
   Bayesian curve fitting............Faming Liang, Young K Truong and Wing Hung   1005
A file linkage problem of DeGroot and Goel revisited............................
   ............................................Hock-Peng Chan and Wei-Liem Loh    1031
Nonparametric estimation of marginal distributions under bivariate truncation
   with application to testing for age-of-onset anticipation...................
   .................................Jian Huang, Veronica J. Vieland and Kai Wang  1047
Edgeworth expansions for the product-limit estimator under left-truncation and
   right-censoring with the bootstrap..............................Yi-Ting Hwang  1069
Recalibration based on an approximate relative risk estimator in cox regression
   with missing covariates........C. Y. Wang, Sharon X. Xie and Ross L. Prentice  1081
On the asymptotic theory of subsampling.........................................
   .......................Dimitris N. Politis, Joseph P. Romano and Michael Wolf  1105
Consistency of the maximum product of spacings method and estimation of
   a unimodal distribution.........................................Yongzhao Shao  1125
Computing the joint distribution of general linear combinations of spacings or
   exponential variates.........................Fred W. Huffer and Chien-Tai Lin  1141
An alternative unimodal density estimator with a consistent estimate of the mode
   ................................................................Mary C. Meyer  1159

2001 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405