Volume 15   Number 3   July  2005

Asymptotic analysis of a two-way semilinear model for microarray data .....
............................................... Jian Huang and Cun-Hui Zhang 597

Designing experiments under random contamination with application to poly-
nomial spline regression ....................................... D. C. Woods 619

Likelihood ratio tests under local  alternatives in regular semiparametric 
models .................................................  Moulinath Banerjee 635

A multivariate probit latent variable model for analyzing dichotomous res-
ponses ........................................Xin-Yuan Song and Sik-Yum Lee 645

Smoothed functional inverse regression .....................................
.....................................Louis Ferr\'e and Anne Fran\c coise Yao 665

ARegression calibration using response variables in linear models .........
. .......................................................  Steve Y. H. Huang 685

Design efficiency under model uncertainty for nonregular fractions of general
 factorials .............................Abhyuday Mandal and Rahul Mukerjee  697

Compromise plans with clear two-factor interactions .......................
...................................  Weiming Ke, Boxin Tang and Huaiqing Wu  709

On the coset pattern matrices and minimum $ M$-aberration of ${2^{n-p}}$ 
designs .............................................  Yu Zhu and Peng Zeng  717

Orthogonal arrays of strength three and size $2^r$  .......................
.............................................................  Chung-Yi Suen 731

Asymmetric fractional factorial plans optimal for main effects and specified 
two-factor interactions .............Aloke Dey, Chung-yi Suen and Ashish Das 751   

Rank estimation  in  partial linear model with censored data ..............
..................................... Kani Chen, Jia Shen and Zhiliang Ying  767

Bayesian frailty models based on Box-Cox transformed hazards ..............
......................................... Guosheng Yin and Joseph G. Ibrahim 781

Model diagnosis for SETAR  time series  ...................................
................................... Hira L. Koul, Winfried Stute and Fang Li 795

Strong laws of R/S statistics with a long-range memory sample ..............
............................................................  Zhengyan Lin   819

Parameter convergence for EM and MM algorithms .............................
.............................................................  Florin Vaida  831

On the optimum number of hypotheses to test when the number of observations 
is limited ..............................Andreas Futschik and Martin Posch   841

2005 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405