Volume 15   Number 1   January  2005

Editorial............................................H. C. Ho and J. L. Wang   1

Improving on the independent Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.................
    ....................................Yves F. Atchadé and François Perron    3

A rapid method for the comparison of cluster analyses......................
    .......................Cavan Reilly, Changchun Wang and Mark Rutherford   19

Asymptotic properties of bootstrapped likelihood ratio statistics for time 
    censored data........Shuen-Lin Jeng, S. N. Lahiri and William Q. Meeker   35

Admissible minimax estimation of the signalwith known background...........
    ....................................Tonglin Zhang and Michael Woodroofe   59

Unimodal kernel density estimation by data sharpening......................
    ...........................................Peter Hall and Kee-Hoon Kang   73

Partially linear single-index measurement error models.....................
    .............................................Hua Liang and Naisyin Wang   99

Bootstrap of a semiparametric partiallylinear model with autoregressive er-
    rors..........................................Jinhong You and Xian Zhou  117

Testing lack-of-fit of parametric regression models using nonparametric re-
    gression techniques....Randall L. Eubank, Chin-Shang Li and Suojin Wang  135
D-optimal designs for weighted polynomial regression-a functional-algebraic 
    approach.................................................Fu-Chuen Chang  153

Optimal designs for an additive quadratic mixture model involving the amount
    of mixture..C. Q. Zhang, L. Y. Chan, Y. N. Guan, K. H. Li and T. S. Lau  165

Weighted residual-based density estimators for nonlinear autoregressive mo-
    dels...........Ursula U. M\"uller, Anton Schick and Wolfgang Wefelmeyer  177   

Modified Burg algorithms for multivariate subset autoregression............
    ..........Peter J. Brockwell, Rainer Dahlhaus and A. Alexandre Trindade  197

Asymptotic theory for arch-sm models: lan and residual empirical processes.
    ....................................Sangyeol Lee and Masanobu Taniguchi  215

Testing generalized linear models using smoothing spline methods...........
    ...............................Anna Liu, Wendy Meiring and Yuedong Wang  235

Score tests for zero-inflation and over-dispersion in generalized linear 
    models................................Dianliang Deng and Sudhir R. Paul  257

2005 Statistica Sinica ISSN 1017-0405