
  May. 25 (Mon.)
08:20-09:00 Registration

(中研院地球科學研究所 2F會議室)

09:00-09:30 Opening Speech
  李克昭 所長
  Session 1:
  姚怡慶 教授
09:30-10:15 Speaker 1: 
  楊宇紅(Yuhong Yang) 教授
  Cross Validation and Localized Model Selection
10:15-10:35 Coffee Break
  Session 2:
  陳素雲 教授
10:35-11:20 Speaker 1:  
  陳宏 教授
  Model Selection Consistency of Cp-LASSO in Linear Regression with Orthonormal Predictors
11:20-12:05 Speaker 2:  
  陳瑞彬 教授
  Stochastic Matching Pursuit for Bayesian Variable Selection
12:05-13:30 Lunch

(中研院統計科學研究所 2F交誼廳及R308會議室)

  Session 3:
  吳鐵肩 教授
13:30-14:15 Speaker 1: 
  黃信誠 教授

Some Asymptotics for Geostatistical Model Selection

14:15-15:00 Speaker 2: 
  冼芻蕘 教授
  The Two-Stage Information Criterion to Select an Autoregressive Model: a Unified Approach Without Knowing the Order of Integratedness
15:00-15:45 Speaker 3: 
  李育杰 教授
  Anomaly Detection via Over-sampling Principal Component Analysis
15:45-16:05 Coffee Break
  Session 4:
  楊宇紅(Yuhong Yang) 教授
16:05-16:50 Speaker 1: 
  張源俊 教授
  Selecting Markers in Binary Classification Problems through their Linear Scores that Maximizes the (partial) Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
16:50-17:35 Speaker 2:
  銀慶剛 教授
  L2-Boosting, Cross-Validation and Model Selection for High-Dimensional Regressions