

12/19 (Wednesday)
Statistical Insight and Intuition

09:30-11:30 Learning statistics through its paradoxes and fallacies
11:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:00 Is it possible to have an automated bias-variance trade-off?
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00 Deceptively large samples: A historical lesson

12/20 (Thursday)
Basic and Advanced Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

09:30-11:30 MCMC: A Live Performance
11:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:00 Constructing Effective MCMC via Data Augmentation
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00 Interweaving Strategy for Boosting MCMC Efficiency